[Video von Reid Gower via boingboing]
Aus den Tagebüchern der Expedition von Lewis & Clarke, die 1803-1806 mit ihrer rund 30-köpfigen Gruppe von Missouri bis zum Pazifik vordrangen:
"About 11 o'clock one of the interpreters and half of our people, went up, at the request of the natives, to the village, to begin the dance;and were followed some time after by Captain Clarke, and three more men. [3]
The day was warm and pleasant. Captain Lewis in the afternoon issued another glass of whiskey; and at night Capt Clarke and part of the men returned from the village, the rest remained all night." [link]
Aus dem Wikipediaeintrag: "Lewis and Clark Expedition established relations with two dozen indigenous nations. Without their help, the expedition would have starved to death or become hopelessly lost in the Rocky Mountains."
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